Aaron Flint, the host of Montana's leading statewide radio talk show "Montana Talks," began his journey in Montana politics and broadcasting while working in the US Senate as a student at Howard University over 20 years ago. Following the 9-11 terror attacks, Aaron relocated to Montana and enlisted in the military, embarking on deployments to Iraq, Afghanistan, the Horn of Africa, and the Arabian Peninsula. Currently, he continues to serve as a Lt. Colonel in the US Army Reserve. His initial foray into the news industry consisted of stuffing newspapers for his grandparents at the Glasgow Courier when he was a child. From working in television at Q2 News to his involvement in politics, and now hosting a statewide radio talk show for over a decade, Aaron takes pride in ensuring that Montanans have a platform to voice their opinions. His prior political roles include serving as a legislative aide to Senator Conrad Burns, acting as the communications director for the 2016 campaign of now-governor Greg Gianforte, and serving as the state director for Congressman Ryan Zinke.
Aaron Flint
Big Drug Bust Spanning Multiple Reservations in Montana
BIA, DEA, and FBI arrested 10 defendants in a "coordinated takedown involving multiple law enforcement officers at various locations."
The Epic Pedro Pascal Post from Montana Fish Wildlife & Parks…
Six months ago if you would've told me the name Pedro Pascal, I would've said, "who?" The only reason I now know exactly who Pedro Pascal is is from the Narco series detailing the takedown of drug lord Pablo Escobar.
Montana Governor Hears from Locals in Gardiner After Flood
Montana Governor Greg Gianforte (R-MT) shared a message about supporting communities like Gardiner and Paradise Valley as they rebuild. Plus, how many structures were lost due to the flooding in Park County? Here's the latest from the Incident Management Team.
Recent Look Back: Montana National Guard Rescues 87 People During Floods
I imagine there's a lot of folks who were camping or stranded by floodwaters in the Red Lodge, Montana area the past few days who will never forget the sound of a Chinook helicopter.
Montana County Commissioner Describes “500-Year Flood”
Carbon County Commissioner Bill Bullock says the flooding that hit Southcentral Montana this week is being described as a "500-year flood" during a townhall meeting in Red Lodge on Tuesday night.