Do Montanans Want To See Former U.S. President Trump Arrested?
For the most part, I try to stay away from politics. I have my views, and I keep them to myself as I learned long ago that the chances of me changing anyone's mind are zero to slim.
Plus, the older I get, the more I think that both "sides" are flawed and not necessarily something I want to be associated with.
Montana is an interesting state, most of the rural areas and small towns are thought to be conservative, while cities like Bozeman and Missoula are much more liberal. Not to mention, that many Montanans see themselves much more libertarian in their beliefs than liberal or conservative.

Why do I bring all of this up?
Well, over the weekend former President Trump got on social media to say that he would be arrested on Tuesday, March 21st, 2023 (today). He also encouraged folks to protest his arrest if and when it happens.
A quick google search showed that in the history of the United States, only one President has ever been arrested and that was President Grant back in the late 1800s over speeding with a horse and buggy.
Let's be honest here, there have been more than a few Presidents that have done some "questionable" things over the years, and none of them have been arrested, so what is so different about Trump?
Well, that depends on who you ask.
Supporters will say that it's because the establishment is terrified that he will run again, so they will do whatever they can to try and either stop him or tarnish his reputation to the point that he doesn't have a chance. They will also claim that he's the greatest President in the history of the country.
Non-supporters will tell you that he has a history of shady and failed business dealings and is the worst human being to ever live and that he and his entire family must be stopped. They will also claim he is the worst President in the history of the country.
So, what do you think? As a Montanan do you believe that the former President should be arrested? Or do you believe that we have much more pressing issues as a nation that we should be taking care of?
Make sure to vote in our poll below: