Fall Float Revisited
We have been pretty lucky this Fall when it comes to the weather. We have seen it many times, an early snowstorm that knocks all the leaves from the trees before they even change color. Not this year. Mother nature is giving us some time, and some beautiful weather before we start bundling up and preparing for Winter.
I did get back on the Missouri Wednesday and snap a few photos to see how much change happened, from the week before, in the colors of the trees. Not a whole lot. Still beautiful. Maybe a bit more orange, but the trees were still full of leaves.
One of the biggest changes I noticed was the sun is setting earlier and earlier. So, I lost some river time. I better get an earlier start then. Packing up my gear in the dark isn't that big of a deal but much easier while it's still light out. When I pack up in the dark, it's basically me throwing everything in the truck and high tailing it out of there before something comes out of the bushes to get me.
There isn't a shortage of people fishing the Missouri. I must have seen 4 fishing boats while I was on the water last Wednesday for 2 hours. The fish are biting so, go get em'.
Enjoy the pictures of this week's float and you can compare them to the pictures in last week's article.