How High Is The Risk Of Hitting A Deer In Montana?

It's a dice roll almost every time you get behind the wheel in Montana that you'll hit a deer while driving.

In fact, a dice roll might even be too generous of odds because, when it comes to hitting a deer in Montana, the odds are pretty much stacked against you.

Live and drive in Montana long enough and you or someone you know will hit a deer, it's a practically a rite of passage.

I have a handful of friends that have collided with a deer, while I've been the lucky one who hasn't, knock on wood.

I've come close, and in fact I did what you weren't supposed to do. I swerved to avoid hitting the deer, which could have ended up an even worse outcome than hitting said deer.

READ NEXT: A Record For 49 Years: See The Largest Deer Shot In Montana

A deer stands in the middle of the road while a car speeds toward it

It's Not Just Deer You Need To Worry About In Montana.

Whenever you are leaving to travel anywhere in Montana, people in your life will inevitably say to you,

Drive safe and watch for deer

To be honest I'd be a little leery of anyone who doesn't say this to you when you leave as it's basically how we say "I Love You" in Montana.

However, when it comes to animals you need to look out for, deer aren't the only ones; cows, big horn sheep, elk, and antelope are just a few of the animals you run the risk of getting into a collision with under the Big Sky.

So, just where does Montana ranks in America when it comes to hitting an animal, well check out the gallery below to find out. 👇

LOOK: Here are the states where you are most likely to hit an animal

Hitting an animal while driving is a frightening experience, and this list ranks all 50 states in order of the likelihood of such incidents happening, in addition to providing tips on how to avoid them.

Gallery Credit: Dom DiFurio & Jacob Osborn

AWWW: See How This Orphaned Deer Becomes Part Of The Family

Lady met Steve as a tiny fawn and as she grew, so did her love for Steve and his family.

Gallery Credit: Leslie Morgan

STAY SAFE: 9 Ways To Avoid Hitting A Deer In Montana

State Farm Insurance came out with a list of states with the worst odds of hitting an animal, and Montana came in 2nd. There is a 1 in 44 chance, you will hit an animal while living and driving in Montana. The most common months for this to happen are October, November, and December. If you are traveling through the surrounding states, your odds of hitting a deer don't really get any better. North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming, and Idaho are all considered "high risk" or "medium risk" for the odds of hitting an animal.

Here are State Farm Insurance's 9 ways to help avoid hitting a deer.

Gallery Credit: Megan Shaul