What Counties In Montana Have The Most Resident Born Here

As we see more and more people move to Montana, it becomes a point of pride for residents to tout that they were born here.

Still, even the county with the highest percentage of Montana-born residents doesn't have 100% of their population being born in Montana.

READ MORE: Montana Has Its Fair Share Of Celebrities Born In Montana

A faceless white figure pointing to 100% but it's X'd out

What Generation Montana Are You

Being born in Montana matters; just listen to almost any political ad, and they'll tout how many generations they go back here in Montana.

While I wasn't born in Montana, I got here as fast as I could and have now lived here longer than any other place.

It also means my kids get some bragging rights by being a 5th generation born Montanan, and who knows if they stick around their kids will get those same bragging rights.

READ NEXT: 5 Revealing Reasons People Say They Moved Away From Montana

Newborn babies feet in a basket

Covid Changed The Dynamic Of Montana Counties

While the pandemic was 4 years ago, we're still seeing people decide to move to the Big Sky state.

Oddly enough, one of the places that has seen a big influx of new residents is Bozeman, which is in Gallatin County, yet where we got our data from doesn't list Gallatin County in their rankings.

In fact, it's one of six counties without data; the others are Park, Madison, Park, Ravalli, and Sanders counties.

Why they aren't included we don't know, but if we can get our hands on the data we'll update accordingly.

In the mean time, check out the data from #50 to the #1 county with the most born-and-bred Montanans.

Montana Counties With The Most Born-And-Bred Residents

See what counties in Montana have the highest percentage of residents who were born in Montana.

Gallery Credit: Stacker

KEEP READING: 10 Celebrities That We'd Love To See Move To Montana

If Montana is going to be a popular destination for celebrities to move to, why not have a wish list of who we'd love to move here.

Gallery Credit: Nick Northern

LOOK: The 25 States Sending The Most People To Montana

Stacker Compiled A List Of States Where The Most People Are Moving To Montana Using Data From The Census Bureau.

Gallery Credit: Nick Northern