Sadly Montana Is Down To Just 2 Of These Left In The State
Spring is here in Montana, even if it doesn't feel like it. With it being spring our thoughts will soon turn to summer and those warm summer nights would make for a good time for the family at a Drive-In Theater.

Sadly Montana is down to just 2 Drive-In Movie Theaters in the state. We used to have 3 in operation, but tragedy stuck last summer. In June 2022 the Amusement Park Drive-In Theater in Billings caught on fire and it destroyed the theater. It seems there might not hope for it reopening as their last announcement was talking about the fire and how devastated they were back in June 2022.
Where are the 2 left?
If you are wanting to take the family for a movie experience under the Big Sky, then you'll need to head to either Butte or Hamilton.
Butte has the Silver-Bow Drive-In.
According to Driveinmovie.com they have been running since 1977 and in 1980 became Montana's first (and now only) twin screen drive-in. They haven't opened for the season yet, but their season usually runs from May-Sept. Watch for their opening and what movies are playing by following their Facebook page.
The second Drive-In Theater, located between Hamilton and Corvallis, is called the Pharaohplex Theater.
This drive-in theater is pretty unique. When Covid-19 struck in 2020 the Pharaohplex Cinemas built a drive-in theater screen on the side of their building that allowed them to continue to show movies during the lock-down. Their season also runs Spring to Fall. You can find movie listings and when they'll open by following their Facebook Page.