Weird Pets of Celebrities - Are They Allowed in Montana?

In the world of the rich and famous, anything can be within reach with enough money to acquire it.  Homes, cars, vacations, even pets.  But these aren't any ordinary pets that you would think of.


The bizarre, weird and even dangerous can all be obtained with celebrity status and enough cash.  While most famous people tend to stay in the normal realm of dogs and cats, others choose to go beyond the norm, dipping into the way out there.

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Celebrity Pets Over the Decades in Hollywood and Beyond

Though the breeds may be different, most celebrities seem to gravitate towards the canine variety for their choice of pet and companion.  Even former Montana Governor Brian Schweitzer brought his dog to work with him while in office.

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Celebrities like Paris Hilton or even the late Queen of England were fond of their dogs.  Some celebrities chose to go a different route.  Elvis Presley was extremely fond of his chimpanzee "Scatter" as was Michael Jackson with "Bubbles".

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Exotic Animals in Great Falls and the State of Montana

For Montana, restrictions do apply when it comes to the more exotic animals that people may want to have for a pet.  To find out more about animals that are or aren't, you can check our previous article, or we've included the gallery for you below.

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So, how far have celebrities gone overboard for the unique, weird or even dangerous pets in their homes?  We've gathered a few of our favorite and exotic pets some of the famous have chosen in the following gallery.

Celebrities and Their Pets - From Turtles to Tigers and More

Some stars keep it simple with a cat or dog, but these celebrities take pet ownership to a whole new level.

Gallery Credit: JD Knight

20 Exotic Pets You Can & Can't Have In Montana

Lions, tigers and bears oh my! What does Montana consider an exotic animal? Check our gallery for 20 crazy pets you can and can't own in the state.

Gallery Credit: JD Knite

See How the Largest Exotic Pet Store in Colorado Receives Animals

The Nature Box Pet Emporium, the largest exotic pet store in Colorado, shares a rare look at what it’s like to receive shipments of snakes, spiders, and lizards.

Gallery Credit: Nate Wilde