5 Places I wish I could eat at in Great Falls
In Great Falls we have a number of places that come and go. I believe the places we miss the most are places of which to eat.
I wrote an article about a month ago about thing we miss in the mall and what we could bring in. The majority of the places people missed were places to eat, snack, get a tasty beverage. Yes, the food court.
I'm sure people miss a lot of places to eat here in Great falls and I'm also sure that people will agree and disagree with my list of 5 places of which I miss eating.

2k's Kafe
Closed this year, 2k's was a restaurant that everyone loved and no one knew about at the same time. I had only eaten there a few time when I figured out about the place 5 years ago. I loved the food every time and was lucky to get a seat before they shut down earlier in the day, as they were only open for breakfast and lunch.
Burger Master
This is a place the majority of Great Falls laments over in every conversion of where to eat. Ramp Burgers, peanut butter shakes, pickles and fries all were staples of mine and a lot of peoples childhood.
This one can be controversial at times. Some people like it, some people don't. I'm in the camp that enjoyed Zandy's or Sandy's or however you remember. I have memories grabbing a bag of burgers with my dad and playing the video games stinking like ketchup and mustard.
I love a diner anywhere I'm at or where I live, and it seems like mom and pop diners are fading away around here all the time. Cattin's was place open 24 hours a day, had the pie on always and no matter how burnt the coffee was, I drank it.
Orange Julius
This was my favorite place to go in all of the mall, I'm talking about the stand before it was bought by Dairy Queen. The mixers, the fake oranges in the case and all the free samples you could grab were all apart of the experience. When I was with dad, it was the first place we'd hit before Sears.
Let's us know it you agree in social media.

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