You’re Not Alone, Most Montanans Really Hate Clutter Too
Some sure signs that spring has arrived in Montana. We will hear yard work being done with trimmers, and chainsaws. We will also see longer lines at the local donation centers and at the local landfill. Spring for a lot of people means "spring cleaning" time. Time to clean up the houses, the yards and de-clutter our lives.
For me, the list of chores and cleaning that needs to be done every spring seems to expand. The winters seem to get longer and the "stuff" just seems to pile up more and more. It doesn't look like I am alone. There are a lot of people in Montana who may feel the same way.
The States That Spend the Most Time Cleaning
According to a report from SWNSdigital.com, OnePoll, commissioned by Maid Brigade did some research on the states that spend the most time cleaning their houses and the states that don't like clutter. When it comes to states that spend the most time per cleaning session, Idaho and Maine come out on top. When it comes to clutter, Montanans don't like it.
Montanans Don't Like Clutter
The poll finds the top states that don't like clutter are Minnesota, Montana and South Carolina. A majority of people spend the most time cleaning the kitchen and detest cleaning the bathroom the most. Which makes sense.

As the weather this spring weather has been a little unpredictable, like normal, I am holding off on getting out the golf clubs, until I get rid of some of the clutter. At this rate, I may not actually hit the course until June.
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