Montana Organizations That Aid People Experiencing Homelessness
There are significant challenges to not having a place to live, let alone the challenges of living in poverty or the other circumstances an unhoused person may have. In Montana, homelessness "the number of people who experienced homelessness in Montana last year increased by 16% when compared to the previous year," according to Montana Public Radio using data from the U.S. Department Of Housing And Urban Development.
Fortunately there are local organizations that aid people experiencing homelessness, here are a few of them:
Montana Rescue Mission
According to their website the organization began in 1948 and incorporated in 1957, so credit to them for helping people for so long. Operating out of Billings, their website reads they provide shelter, clothing and other services. It also reads they have referrals for life skills programs for courses in subjects like resumé preparation and addiction recovery.
Family Promise
Though founded in New Jersey, Family Promise has several affiliate organizations in places such as Gallatin Valley, Yellowstone Valley and the greater Helena area. The website for their Gallatin Valley affiliate reads they provide "prevention services before families reach crisis, shelter and case management when they become homeless, and stabilization programs once they have secured housing to ensure they remain independent."
United Way
An international network of nonprofit organizations that has 10 affiliates in Montana, here's the whole list. They provide services not just for unhoused people but also for the community in general, here's the page of their website that describes the work they do.
Hope Rescue Mission
Their Temporary Safe Outdoor Space "is a 24/7, safe, secure, staffed, service-rich environment for those experiencing homelessness in Missoula. Equipped with 30 individual hard-sided shelters, the TSOS serves an average of 35-40 individuals onsite as they pursue housing opportunities," with many services according to their website.
Poverello Center
Operating out of Missoula, the Poverello Center provides "prevention, outreach, shelter, housing programs, and more" according to their website. I personally know people who have benefited from services at the Poverello Center so I'm grateful they've been so helpful to people.
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