Today the Montana State Fund announced they will be matching up to $150,000 over five years (a maximum of $30,000 yearly) to Kids' Chance of Montana, a non-profit established in all states to assist the dependents of workers who have been injured or killed on the job with their higher education goals.

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Who has Kids' Choice helped?

Most recently, Kids' Chance awarded a scholarship to Mia Palmer, the daughter of Highway Patrol Trooper Wade Palmer, after Trooper Palmer was catastrophically injured by a gunshot wound to the head during a pursuit of a murder suspect in 2019.

Trooper Palmer’s wife Lindsey, and their daughter Mia, were on hand for the check presentation from MSF to Kids’ Chance on Friday. Kids’ Chance also presented Mia with a check for $4,000, the amount of her first-year scholarship.

Mia will be a freshman in Fall 2023, attending the University of Idaho. Palmer is one of three freshmen, joining ten returning recipients, receiving a KCMT scholarship for the 2023/24 school year.

MSF Board Chairman, Richard Miltenberger, shared his thoughts:

Montana State Fund is our state’s leading workers’ compensation insurance company; we take that role and responsibility seriously and are honored to participate in the Kids’ Chance program to help Montana families. Being the industry leader means going above and beyond by working to make sure injured workers and employers know we are more than just their insurer—we are their partner in achieving a healthier and safer workplace.

To learn more about Kids' Chance of Montana, or to donate, click the button below.

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These items won't be allowed on your next flight, be that carry on or checked bags, so just leave them at home to be safe.