I'm shocked and embarrassed that I've never been to this really gorgeous piece of Montana. It's so close, incredibly beautiful, inexpensive to visit, and right up my alley. Perhaps 'tourist attraction' isn't the right term for this Jefferson City gem.
Sure, you can freeze them, can them, or make salsa or sauces. But today we learned of another way to preserve your precious homegrown tomato crop that is super easy. Plus, the finished product takes up far less room in your pantry or freezer!
Nothing adds to a summer BBQ quite like corn on the cob. It's almost become a summer tradition to cruise down the farmer's market and grab a few ears of corn.
Come meet two fantastic dudes this Saturday who will help YOU become a better vegetable gardener in Gallatin County. We all know it can be rough around here but these gentlemen have seen it all and know the secrets to happy, FUN gardens.