Flyboarding and Other Wild Activities to Do in Montana
Montana has its share of daredevils, after all this is the home of Evel Knievel. Though you don't have to jump 13 buses to get a thrill, there are plenty of activities that are still quite daring and a lot more fun. Here's a list of some wild things to do in Montana:
When I first saw water jet packs became a thing, I was overjoyed— the mad men actually made Super Mario Sunshine real. Check out the video below.
Look fun to you? Maybe book a flight with Flyboard Montana.
Bungee Jumping
If you somehow haven't heard of bungee jumping, it's basically jumping off of something really high while your feet are strapped to a long cord so you don't splat. Oh, and people like doing it for some reason, the only thing crazier is...
While this hobby seems scary as hell to me, if you're going to jump anywhere it might as well be in Big Sky.
Dirt Biking
Motocross riders make it look so fun, so maybe rent a dirt bike and try it for yourself
Don't let the rowing scare you from this, it's easier than it looks. On a nice day, going down a Montana river is an absolute blast.
Just don't wear your favorite jeans.
Rock Climbing
Fun with a feeling of accomplishment too, maybe try a climb at Blodgett Canyon.
Fast, but not too quick to enjoy the view.
As close to flying as you can get, just hang on.
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