Crazy in Helena? Remember They Tried to Pass These Bizarre Laws?
The 2023 Montana Legislature continues to raise eyebrows from just about everyone. As representatives continue to read different bills and discuss whether or not to pass them. Some bills are reasonable and beneficial for the state. While others are bizarre and leave us scratching our heads.
So far in 2023, we have stumbled across bills that range from aiming to outlaw drag shows from being performed around children (HB 359), to outlawing the teaching of scientific theory to K-12 students (SB 235).
If you think those are some interesting bills in our Montana congress. Think about when they tried to pass some other interesting bills.
Back in 2015, the Montana legislature was reading bills like they are doing now. One bill that was read soon made national news.
According to a post from TIME Magazine
Rep. David Moore’s proposal would tighten indecent exposure laws to include any nipple exposure—including men’s—and any clothing hat “gives the appearance or simulates” a person’s buttocks, genitals, pelvic area or female nipple. Tight-fitting clothing—like yoga pants, for example—could also be considered indecent exposure under the law, the Republican lawmaker said. “Yoga pants should be illegal in public anyway,” Moore said after the hearing.
I think I speak on behalf of both men and women when I say that we can thank our lucky stars that the bill never made it to the Governor's desk. Montana is still a yoga pant-friendly state.
Montana already has enough casinos, breweries, and churches. The last thing we need is more pornography. So, Montana legislatures tried to limit the amount of porn that is available through service providers. That's right, in 2021, Montana tried to pass a bill that would have internet providers block hardcore pornography sites from being accessed.
Take the following quote from a House Republican. After rushing to get the bill up for a vote. The panel forgot to allow any Democrats on the panel. They had to reconvene, and the bill was killed.
According to KPAX
“I got frustrated and rammed it through, and that’s not right,” said Rep. Derek Skees, R-Kalispell. “I should not have done that..
The bill was to make internet providers like Spectrum, AT&T and Verizon block hardcore porn from being accessed. While allowing users to "opt-in" if they wanted it unblocked. Plus, no one under 18 could "opt-in." Essentially making it so that young kids cannot view hardcore porn. It makes sense. But, as those who voted against it believe, it could cause bigger problems for internet service providers.
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