Well, that first week of back to school in Great Falls is under your belts parents.  Hopefully things flowed freely and just like how you had them planned the whole time.  Buses arrived on time, dropping off or picking up was a breeze, and your children all love each of their teachers.

Yeah, right.  It never happens that way.  There is always something that will muck up the works and even if you are an old pro and sending the kids off, sometimes that wacky Murphy's Law kicks in and you ever wonder how you thought being a parent was something to enlighten your life.

Don't Go Down That Rabbit Hole, You Aren't Alone in Those Worries

I figured after managing to get my son out of bed and through his educational career, I was a pro.  So, when my grandson started this year, I happily offered any help I could.  Man, I now remember all those feelings that I felt so many years ago.  The worrywart in me crept back in and I found myself wondering about certain things for him.

Apparently, none of us are alone.  In a new article from The Mountaineer, many parents are suffering those feelings also.  But they aren't new feelings either.  I find myself looking back and realizing they were concerns then and are worries today for the next generations.

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Breaking Down the Difficult and Different Worries We Have

Even though being a constant worrisome person isn't any fun, I also feel each of these 10 listed feelings are warranted by any parent, regardless of how many kids you have sent through the front door of public schools.

Here are the top 10 worries that parents are talking about:

  • School and life balance
  • Being in a good crowd or friend group
  • Peer pressure
  • Difficulty of schoolwork
  • Time management
  • Your child being offered drugs/illegal substances
  • Making new friends
  • Amount of homework
  • Settling in
  • Bullying

See, each one a valid concern, perhaps even more so than in previous years or generations.  Are you feeling the same things?  Are there other concerns or worries that you have with your child after the first week of school in Great Falls?  We would love to hear from you.  Send us a message via the appchat feature, through our social media sections or you can email me your thoughts here.

3 Ways To Be Quickly Ticketed During Back To School In Montana

Back to school is fast approaching in Montana. If you forgot some of the laws over the summer get a quick refresher course to help you remember and not get a big fine this fall.

14 Most Expensive Items When Going Back to School

When preparing for a new school year here is a look at some of the most expensive items you'll need to purchase.