A chilling novel released in 2022 tells the story of a gruesome serial killer from a small Montana town. The murders led to a full-blown manhunt and the birth of FBI profiling.

YouTube Credit: Seekers Crime
Credit: Seekers Crime

David Mierhofer was born in Bozeman, Montana on June 8, 1949. Mierhofer is the focus of a true crime novel titled Shadowman: An Elusive Psycho Killer and the Birth of FBI Profiling by author Ron Franscell.

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Mierhofer was linked to several murders that happened in Gallatin County between the mid-60s and early-70s. It's a topic that locals don't really like to talk about. Most people have tried to sweep it under the rug and pretend like it never happened.

The first time I heard about the murders is when I picked up a copy of Shadowman. As a resident of Manhattan, where Mierhofer once lived, I was surprised to learn about the town's dark past. The book details the murders in a way that will send shivers down your spine. The investigation was also an important milestone for the FBI, as it was the first time in history that the FBI’s Behavioral Science Unit created a psychological profile to catch a serial killer.

YouTube Credit: Seekers Crime
Credit: Seekers Crime

Mierhofer was eventually arrested and confessed to committing several murders. He hung himself in a Gallatin County jail cell just hours after his confession.

With all of the major film and TV productions happening in Montana, I feel like this is definitely a story that needs to be told on the big screen. The story is interesting in a lot of ways. Hopefully, some big Hollywood producer sees this and makes it happen.

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