Are Realtors in Montana Legally Required to Disclose a Death in the “New Home?”
Someone died in my old house
I lived in a house in Colorado where a man died in it. I never found out how he died, but I saw his ghost. I know that sounds stupid/ crazy. But I wasn’t the only one who saw this ghost... and it got me thinking. Are realtors supposed to disclose the history of someone dying in your home?? Mine was a rental, so I was SOL.
Montana has generations of family history
I’ve wondered about this topic in the state of Montana since I got here 6 months ago. Loads of history can be found in the roots of homes here. Miners, ranchers, Native Americans have spent over a century on these lands. Of course, one can assume that people have died in these old homes. We went to visit a cemetery in Billings last October, and some of these graves were quite old. i like history like this. Honoring those who've passed and who help build this state.
If you’re looking for a new home in Montana, there’s a chance that someone passed away in that house. Whether it’s old age, an accident, or foul play... this is worth asking your realtor when buying a “new” home in Montana. Although, legally, the realtor doesn’t have to disclose this information. It’s up to the buyer to ask the realtor.
What about violent crimes?
If there is a violent crime that was committed in the home, then it is up to the realtor to tell the new buyer what happened. I’m a person that likes to know the “dirty details.” The story just broke today about the Idaho Murders and what they're doing with the home where 4 students were killed. They're demolishing the house... no one would buy that house after what happened there.
You may be thinking, “What if a person died by old age in this home?”
Well, in that case I’d look at it as a good thing. Someone enjoyed the home, spent their years there and passed on to the good side. I’d call that good energy. But a murder? Or a violent attack?? Yeah- I'll pass on that home. The realtor doesn't have to say anything either in Montana... I'd ask just to have peace of mind. But that’s just me.
The States Where Real Estate Agents Don’t Have to Tell You If Someone Died in Your House
- Alabama
- Arizona
- Arkansas
- Colorado
- Connecticut
- Florida
- Hawaii
- Idaho
- Illinois
- Indiana
- Iowa
- Louisiana
- Maryland
- Massachusetts
- Michigan
- Minnesota
- Missouri
- Montana
- Nebraska
- Nevada
- New Hampshire
- New Mexico
- New York
- North Carolina
- Oklahoma
- Oregon
- Pennsylvania
- Rhode Island
- South Carolina
- Tennessee
- Texas
- Utah
- Virginia
- Washington
- Washington, D.C.
- West Virginia
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